Leather and studs reminiscent of the rebellious punk scene from the early 1970s, sharp shoulder pads and sequins out-landish enough to make David Bowie and the glamrock crew look like wall-flowers, and the classic, clean lines of over-sized shirts, tweed jackets and riding boots fitting for a trip to the countryside.
It is almost impossible to ignore the massive influence British culture has had on recent fashion trends. With at least one look to suit everyone, this is a style splurge that is seeing fashionable men and women from all over the world indulge and experiment with brit chic.
My online blog, A Style Revolution, will look at British-inspired fashion, old and new, as well as music, art, icons and films which have assisted in creating and projecting the sub-cultures (i.e. Mods and Rockers) responsible for such trends. I will also be loooking at the people and places around to see if they have been influenced in the same way and how they are using it to achieve a desired look. Lastly, I will discuss some of my favourite British designers, like Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen and Burberry, documenting collections and the connection with brit chic.
British culture has never been more cutting edge...
I loves it.